release notes — March 28, 2024

Mainly a bug fix release

sqlc is a command line tool that generates type-safe code from SQL. Today we released sqlc v1.26.0, mainly a bug fix release.

What’s new

This release is mainly a bug fix release. It also includes an important security fix for users using output plugins.

Bug Fixes

  • (docker) Use distroless base image instead of scratch (#3111)
  • (generate) Ensure files are created inside output directory (#3195)
  • (mysql) BREAKING: Use int16 for MySQL SMALLINT and YEAR (#3106)
  • (mysql) BREAKING: Use int8 for MySQL TINYINT (#3298)
  • (mysql) Variables not resolving in ORDER BY statements (#3115)
  • (opts) Validate SQL package and driver options (#3241)
  • (postgres/batch) Ignore query_parameter_limit for batches
  • (scripts) Remove deprecated test output regeneration script (#3105)
  • (sqlite) Correctly skip unknown statements (#3239)


  • (postgres) Add instructions for PostGIS/GEOS (#3182)
  • Improve details on TEXT (#3247)


  • (generate) Avoid generating empty Go imports (#3135)
  • (mysql) Add NEXTVAL() to the MySQL catalog (#3147)
  • (mysql) Support json.RawMessage for LOAD DATA INFILE (#3099)


  • (deps) Bump to 5.5.5 (#3259)
  • (deps) Bump to 1.29.5 (#3200)
  • (deps) Bump to 1.8.0 (#3257)
  • (deps) Bump to 1.7.0 (#3096)
  • (deps) Bump to v5 (#3096)
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